Part 1: Performance
The installation by Monique Fessl and Marta Navaridas is the result of research on „Pleasure Activism“ that began in Belgrade during an artists-in-residence programm from April to May 2022.
In October 2022, the artists presented the performance installation BECAUSE OF A WISH at < rotor > association for contemporary art/Graz.
In a black, foggy room, illuminated by a large, disc-shaped light reminiscent of the moon, there is a pink battery-powered bird, two high platforms, benches and cushions for visitors, two ballot boxes and a voting booth. The latter consists of a standing table with paper, envelopes and pens, as well as two room dividers that evoke associations with tall grass.
The two artists sit on the pedestals like sphynxes and speak or sing the wishes they collected from people in Belgrade and other European cities in the period from April to October 2022. This is backed by a composition – an arrangement of recordings of water and animal sounds from Belgrade and electronically generated sounds.
The wishes written down by the visitors during the performance will be placed in an envelope and thrown into one of two ballot boxes, as in a political election. At the same time, the visitors choose whether their own wishes are to be burned or drawn by the artists.
Concept, Installation, Sound:
Monique Fessl and Marta Navaridas
Costumes: Yuliia Makarenko
Artistic support Belgrade:
Selman Trtovac, Sanja Latinovic
Production: Performanceinitiative 22, mollusca productions
Performance: 20 and 21 October 2022
Location: < rotor > association for contemporary art/Graz
Part 2: Drawing the wishes from ballot box 1/
Exhibition at Neue Galerie Graz
The drawn wishes form the second part of this work. As part of the exhibition „Kunstraum Steiermark 2022“ in the Neue Galerie Graz, two walls on a platform are designed. They show the drawings of the wishes collected by the artists during their performance installation in October 2022. Visitors are invited to write down or draw their own wishes during the whole duration of the exhibition which lasts for one year.
BECAUSE OF A WISH highlights the transformative potential of wishes. The artists are convinced that the probability of wishes coming true is greater than one thinks.

Blue marker on white wall
Neue Galerie Graz/Kunstraum Steiermark
December 1, 2022–december 2, 2023
©Universalmuseum Joanneum/N. Lackner, Valentina Morianz, Yuliia Makarenko, Marta Navaridas, Monique Fessl
Part 3: Burning the wishes from ballot box 2
Camera burning session: Yuliia Makarenko
Video editing and concept/presentation of the whole procect:
Monique Fessl
Presentation: Exhibition Studio 8, Graz, december 1, 2023
Supported by:
Stadt Graz Kultur, Atelier-Auslandsstipendium des Landes Steiermark, A9 Kultur Land Steiermark, < rotor > association for contemporary art, Neue Galerie Graz
Thanks to: Bernhard Wolf, Alex Deutinger, Sara González Novi, and everyone who shared their wishes.
Gateway 2/
art in public space/Graz
A reflective painting consisting of rectangles and circles is applied to a homogenised colour background, which expands the space in terms of perspective. This begins above the steps, above the „audience zone“. It creates the impression of an entrance situation and an optical enlargement of the event area.
The gateway marks the entrance for other perspectives. A new future for the city (traffic turnaround, climate challenges, AI, living together in general) and for our own personal lives.
As many new ways of thinking begin on a small scale, in the „underground“, before they are generally accepted, this gateway is also somewhat hidden under the city, in a transitional area between above and below, in a place for social exchange and contemporary events.
The applied reflective effect on the archways (similar to road markings) reacts to incident light and is intended to communicate with the light installations on site during evening events.
Open competition, art in public space 2024
Wall painting on concrete
Location: citybeach Graz
In cooperation with Martin Mathy
The project was not realised
Klanglicht Festival
Arkestra of Light: levitate
Visual Art: OchoReSotto
Music: Monique Fessl
Listen to the compositio
Carried by the music originally composed for this project, the light images make the illuminated buildings take off. The walls seem weightless. At the same time, the arrangement of the houses in the space reinforces the play of paradigms. Their staggered arrangement allows the visual elements to work with and against the sound installation. An exciting mix of audiovisual impressions allows thoughts to rise, emotions to soar. An immense space that creates perspectives for impressive images is generated with analogue large-screen projectors, each of which moves two film reels with and against each other. Sequences tailored to the location stimulate the complex and bring it to life. They are characterised by fluently consistent movements, captivate with their brilliant luminosity and are precisely synchronised with the music.
First prize Art in Architucture/LKH Villach

Redesign of the Central Wing, Villach State Hospital, Austria.
Art in Architecture, 1st price, 2018.
Joint work with Bernhard Wolf
Wall designs on six floors for reception areas, waiting rooms and corridors. A total of 600 m2 of prints on HPL-plates and foils on glass surfaces. The mountain motif is an analogue and digitally processed relief of Villach’s local mountain, the Mittagskogel (Midday Peak).
Photos©David Schreyer
Open anonymous competition
Opening: November 2021
Architects: Domenig & Wallner

Your are here/Universum
3rd prize Art in Architucture/LKH Wolfsberg

Joint work with Martin Mathy and Bernhard Wolf (bwolf.at, martinmathy.net)
The central design component features a sun sculpture as a widely visible sign on the roof of the Wolfsberg State Hospital. The imaginary rays emanating from the sun are reproduced as spectral color surfaces in other locations tendered for design, such as the ambulance hall, the roundabout and the main east entrance.
Anonymous, open competition, 2021
Architects: Hinterwirth Architekten
Visualisation: Martin Mathy
Spatial Installation

Location: Universtiy Klagenfurt
Wall design for the entrance area
Foil on metal, 14 x 2,7 m
Photos©Martin Schwarz
Installation in public space

At two places on the Opernring, poster stands are transformed front and back. On each side of the street, a poster is mounted that shows the space behind it. Viewed from a certain point and at the appropriate time of day, the billboard dissolves into its surroundings. On the inside, by the footpath and cycle path, mirrors are mounted that reflect the person himself in the space and create new space. This creates a mind gap for the person observing/viewed, a brief moment of being thrown back on oneself, beyond the level of the usual thought processes.
Acrylic mirror/Billboard paper on billboard
6,8 m x 2,4 m
Duration: 10.08. – 31.08.2015
Location: Opernring Graz/Rosseggerkai Graz
Last two photos©Monique Fessl
Supported by Kunst im öffentlichen Raum Graz
Good Signs–Bad Signs/
Interactive Installation

In a kind of photo booth, visitors of the Volkskundemuseums Graz were invited to have their picture taken in one of the six basic moods known in psychology by a moderator’s voice, a corresponding animation and a sound composition corresponding to the selected mood: happiness, fear, surprise, anger, disgust and sadness.
The images were transmitted to the Kunsthaus Graz, where they could be called up on a monitor next to the entrance using a simple menu with an external knob.
Culture Boards Graz
In cooperation with Bernhard Wolf. Free competition. Graz 2015
Fairy Tale